- 你想印多少份? How many copies do you want to roll off?
- 你要我印多少份? How many copies shall I print (off) for you?
- 我想知道我还要在这台复印机上印多少份才能够。 I'd like to know how many more copies I have to run off on this duplicating machine.
- 这文章你要印多少份? How many copies of this article do you want struck off?
- 请明确地告诉我你想要什么? Tell me precisely what do you want?
- 你要我印多少份? How many copies shall I print (off) for you
- "你想喝点什么?" "噢,只要一杯水。" "What will you have?" Oh, just give one on the city.
- 你想发航空信吗? Do you want to airmail it or not?
- 如果你想早走的话,必须得到允许。 You must ask permission if you want to leave early.
- 问:据你们的统计数据,迄今已签发了多少份绿卡? Question: According to your statistics,how many "Green Card" have you issued till now?
- 这工作不像你想像的那么困难。 The work is not so difficult as you imagine.
- 你想我会相信那个荒谬绝伦的谎言吗? Do you expect me to credit that absurd tale?
- 你想申请那份工作吗? Are you going to put in for that job?
- 你说了一些十分挑衅性的话你想打架吗? You said some very belligerent things--were you trying to start a fight?
- 如果你想给她留下个好印象,就应该谨言慎行。 You'll have to mind your p's and q's if you want to give her a good impression.
- 你想捐助吗? Do you wish to contribute?
- 如果你想在这种天气去航海,你将冒生命危险。 You'll be risking your neck if you go sailing in this weather.
- 做你想做的事。 Just do it as you like.
- 你想我吗? Have you missed me?
- "你想要艾贝或我跟你去吗?" "Do you want abe or me to go with you?"