- 你总共有多少美元? How much money/currency have you get altogether in US dollar?
- 你总共有多少? What sum have you get?
- 如果你已经有一美元,然后向你爸爸再要一美元,你将会有多少美元?文森特:一美元。 TEACHER: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have? VINCENT: One dollar.
- 那农场主养了那么多的小鸟,他自己几乎都搞不清总共有多少只。 The farmer has so many chickens,he can hardly keep track of them all.
- 你花了多少美元? How many dollars did you spend?
- 总共 in all
- 你的手表比他的手表贵多少美元? How many dollars are your watch more expensive than his ?
- 格雷伯爵因为拥有最多的孩子而保持着记录,他总共有17个孩子。 Earl Grey holds the record for the most children with a grand total of 17.
- 多少美元一个晚上? How much is it per night in US dollars?
- 总共有一百六十四个师向东滚滚而来。 In all one hundred and sixty-four divisions rolled eastward.
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 那总统套房是多少美元一个晚上呢? And how much is a presidential suite for a night?
- 该地区上一次暴发发生在1987年,总共有305例病例和145人死亡(病死率为45.4%)。 The last outbreak in this region was in 1987, with a total of 305 cases and 145 deaths (case fatality rate: 45.4%25).
- 你一共有多少钱? How much have you get in all?
- 50个州和华盛顿总共有538个选举人。每个选区的选举人数根据该区的人口数决定。 The total number of the electors for 50 states and Washington D.C. Is 538. The number of electors in each state is decided by the population.
- 您打算换多少美元? How many dollars do you want to change?
- 你知道日本人口有多少吗? Do you know what the population of Japan is?
- 总共有80辆中型和30辆轻型装甲汽车。 In total there were 80 medium and 30 light armored cars in the brigade.
- 一个积点值多少美元? How much dollars is one Ad Point?
- 总共有十支队伍参加了这次赛厗。 In total, ten teams took part in the boat race this time.