- 你怕有任何吗? Do you apprehend there will be any difficulty?
- 你怕有任何困难吗? Do you apprehend there will be any difficulty?
- 今天的温度有多高?你怕热吗?今天真热。 What's the temperature today? Do you mind the heat? It's very hot today.
- 你怕有困难吗? Do you apprehend any difficulty?
- 如果你有任何难题,和旅行团向导联络。 If you have any problem, contact the tour conductor.
- 你怕狗吗? Are you afraid of dogs?
- 你不应该与他有任何来往,他是个十足的坏蛋。 You should have nothing to do with him; he's an out and out scoundrel.
- 你怕不怕鬼? Are you afraid of spooks?
- 您对于蜘蛛或蛇类有任何的恐惧症吗? Do you have any phobias about spiders or snakes?
- 现在你害怕的是你自己,你怕会爱上我。 Now you scared of yourself, you are afraid of falling in love with me.
- 在众目睽睽之下,跟一群乡下毛丫头跳舞!咱不怕有人看见吗? Dancing in public with a troop of country hoydens--suppose we should be seen.
- 你不必担心,如果有任何差错,该受责怪的是他。 There is no need for you to worry; if anything goes wrong it is he who will have to face the music.
- 让那些毒草长嘛,让那些牛鬼蛇神出台嘛,你怕他干什么呢? Let poisonous weeds sprout and ghosts and monsters appear. Why be afraid of them?
- 你怕蜘蛛吗? Are you afraid of spiders?
- 您在住宿要求上有任何的附加信息吗? Would you like additional information about Accommodation options?
- 你怕要大倒其霉,若是死人复活的事流行起来的话,杰瑞! You'd be in a Blazing bad way,if recalling to life was to come into fashion,Jerry!'
- 在众目睽睽之下,跟一群乡下毛丫头跳舞!咱不怕有人看见吗? Dancing in public with a troop of country hoydens--suppose we should be seen.
- 这辆汽车有任何损坏,你要对我承担责任。 You will answer to me for any damage to the car
- 你的空头承诺对她不会有任何影响。 Your empty promises cut no ice with her.
- 我还只当是,你因为就一个人在家,怕有什么无业游民,才把门锁着哪。 I thought that perhaps you had locked the door because you were alone and were afraid of tramps.