- 你怕什么呀?他又不会吃了你--因为他看起来像坏人 Why are you so cared? He doesn't bite --Because he looks like a bad buy
- 你怕什么嘛? What are you so afraid of?
- 让那些毒草长嘛,让那些牛鬼蛇神出台嘛,你怕他干什么呢? Let poisonous weeds sprout and ghosts and monsters appear. Why be afraid of them?
- 什么 what
- 呢 (question particle)
- 你这胆小鬼!你怕什么呢? You coward! What are you afraid of?
- [inf] 来,怕什么! go on, be a devil!
- 让他经营一段时间他的瓜子,怕什么? What is there to be afraid of if we let him go on selling his seeds for a while?
- 大多数女孩都怕什么?李:大多数女孩都怕老鼠。 What are most girls sacred of? Lee: Most girls are sacred of mice.
- 你怕狗吗? Are you afraid of dogs?
- 你在忙什么呢? What are you up to?
- 你怕不怕鬼? Are you afraid of spooks?
- 你最想要注视的东西是什么呢? What would you most want to let your gaze rest upon?
- 你在那儿忙什么呢? What are you hustling about there ?
- 既然你怕黑,为什么刚才不和他一起走呢? Now that you are afraid of the darkness,why didn't you walk away with him just now?
- 你在想什么呢? What's on your mind?
- 你想吃什么呢? What would you like to eat?
- 你那么漂亮,怕什么呢? You were beautiful yet invisible.
- 你怕什么? What are you frightened of?
- 你在那儿干什么呢,您这小捣蛋? What are you doing there you little monkey?