- 你怎麽解释这行为? How would one justify this behavior?
- `你怎麽不找个工作呢?'`说起来容易,找起来难哪。' Why don't you get yourself a job?'That's easier said than done.'
- 联合国成员怎麽解释? How to explain the membership of UN?
- 你怎麽能这麽不通人情,还自称是我的朋友 How can you be so unkind and still call yourself my friend
- 你如何解释这一句? How do you interpret this sentence?
- 你怎麽看上去这样忧郁? Why are you looking so lugubrious?
- 你怎能为你粗鲁而愚蠢的行为辩护? How can you justify your rude and foolish behaviour?
- 你如何解释这一错误呢? How do you account for the mistake?
- 你怎麽能否定上帝的存在? How can you negate God?
- 你应该一开始就向他解释这事。 You should explain this to him at the outset.
- 你怎麽敢对我妄加评论? How dare you sit in judgement on me?
- 你怎么解释这种种错误呢? How do you account for all these mistakes?
- 怎麽样 how about
- 你怎能为这种行为辩解呢? How can you defend such behaviour?
- 安全的问题怎麽办? What about the question of security?
- 你怎敢碰他? How dare you lay a finger on him?
- 这种颜色搭配不太合适,可是我也说不清楚怎麽不合适。 There's something wrong with this colour scheme but I can't quite pin it down.
- 你怎不早说呀? Why didn't you say so earlier?
- 按理说该怎麽做? What is the form (ie the correct thing to do)?
- 你怎敢动手打他? How dare you lay hands on him?