- 你怎麽敢顶撞你的老板? How dare you sauce your boss?
- 你怎麽敢叫我胖子! How dare you call me fat!
- 你怎麽敢对我妄加评论? How dare you sit in judgement on me?
- 你怎麽敢对我妄加评论? How dare you sit in judgement on me?
- 这个问题你得去和你的老板进行交涉。 That's a matter for you to take up with your boss.
- `你怎麽不找个工作呢?'`说起来容易,找起来难哪。' Why don't you get yourself a job?'That's easier said than done.'
- 如果你一直成绩出色,你的老板将会提拨你。 If you can keep ahead,your boss will promote you.
- 你怎麽看上去这样忧郁? Why are you looking so lugubrious?
- 在一个会议期间,向你的老板汇报你在公司和你的合作伙伴之间如何妥协。 During a meeting, report back to your boss on the compromise reached between your company and your partners.
- 你是否经常主动反馈你的工作给你的老板?他是否对你的职业发展有帮助? Do you often feed back the job to your boss? Is it good for your career development?
- 这间屋子需要弄得明快些--来点儿黄色和红色的壁纸怎麽样? This room needs jollying up how about yellow and red wallpaper?
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 你怎敢碰他? How dare you lay a finger on him?
- 如果你努力工作,我确信你的事业会有起色,也许有一天你会成为这里的老板。 If you work hard, your career I'm sure will advance and maybe one day you'll be the boss in here.
- 你怎麽能否定上帝的存在? How can you negate God?
- 偶尔无偿地替你的老板做一点事情还说得过去,但要留心不要让事态发展以免他向你提出更多的要求。 It's all right to do a little bit of work for your boss without pay,but be careful that it isn't the thin end of the wedge.
- 你怎敢动手打他? How dare you lay hands on him?
- 你的孩子怎麽样? How are the youngsters (ie yourchildren)?
- 你怎麽有脸那样说? How can you have the face to say that?
- 你怎敢用你那脏爪子碰他! Don't you dare to put your dirty paws on him!