- 你怎会清楚地知道暗示? The implications how you know so well?
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 约翰巧妙地七弯八拐地穿过人群,是为数不多的几位能清楚地看见总统的人之一。 John weaving his way skillfully through the crowds, was one of the few who managed to get a good view of the President.
- "不妨让你知道," 比尔说,"我已深深地爱上了她。" "I don't mind your knowing, " Bill said, "I'm over head and ears in love with her."
- "别继续以这种节奏节生活:你会得神经衰弱症的。" "Don't carry on living this pace: You'll wind up with a nervous breakdown"
- 愿上帝保佑你! Bless you!
- "很抱歉在这个时候给你打电话。" "I am sorry to call you this time of the day."
- 卫生部门也必须参与这种日益增强的关注,大声清楚地表明其忧虑。 The health sector must add its voice - loud and clear - to the growing concern.
- "你最近怎么样?" "马马虎虎" "How are you getting on?" "just so-so."
- 约翰从小就爱骗人,我早就知道他不会有什么好结果的。 John was deceitful even as a child. I knew he would come to no good.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。" I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- 即便是在漆黑的夜晚,火光让他们能清晰地看到对方,还能清楚地看到周围的环境。 Even in the dark night, it let them see each other clearly, and they could also clearly see the things around them.
- 只要有新闻,琼总是会马上知道的。 If there's any news,June will soon sniff it out.
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- "你的律师应该告诉你犯了个大错误。" "他告诉我了。他说是对的,但我认为我比他更清楚。 "Your lawyer should have told you you were making a big mistake." "He did, and he never said a truer word. But I thought I knew better."
- 如果我们能知道一件事的真相,我们将会正确地处理这件事。 If we can see anything in its true light,we shall deal with it correctly.
- (从你的话来看),我不明白怎麽会产生这样的结果。 I don't see how that follows (from what you've said).
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。" "Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."