- 你怎么知道要如何理财? A: How do you know how to invest your money?
- 你怎么知道要派他出国? How did you find out that he was going to be sent abroad?
- 知道 be aware of
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 你怎么知道希尔夫人要生孩子?你肯定偷听了我们的谈话。 How do you know Mrs. Hill is going to have a baby? You must have been eavesdropping on our conversation.
- 富爸爸,穷爸爸:富人教他们的孩子如何理财,而穷人和中产阶级却从不这样做! Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!
- 不知道 be insensible of
- 你们为我开这个欢迎会,我不知道要如何才能足以表示我的谢意。 I dont know how I can thank you sufficiently for holding this welcome party for me.
- 你怎么知道这钱是用来赈济饥民的呢? How do you know the money being used to feed those starving people?
- 我想请教你要如何运送你下单的扬声器,空运还是海运? I'm calling to find out how you would like your order of speakers, by air or by sea?
- 他的秘密你怎么知道的? How did you manage to possess yourself of his secret?
- 罗宾:很好!对了,你怎么知道来闰美尔瓦公司呢? Robin: Good! Incidentally. how did you know to come to the Milward Agency?
- 真不知道要如何把销售额重新提上去。 I really don't know how to increase the sales.
- 你怎么站立这么久?要是我,早就要休息了。 How do you keep on your feet so long? I would have needed a rest hours ago.
- 你怎么知道他没有按规定行事? How do you know he didn't act by the rules?
- "我知道要是你看见了我的新房子和家具,你准会激动。" I knew you'd flip when you saw my new house and furniture.
- 你怎么知道的? How do you know that?
- 当观众还不知道要如何对应之下,原来的虚浮、欣狂及笑声很快地就变僵了、静默无语。 The frivolity, frenzy and laughter soon turned into stilted postures and silence as the members of the audience tried to come to terms with what just took place.
- 真要是昨天你把自行车丢了你怎么办? What will you have do if you'd lost your bike yesterday?
- 卡伦:你怎么知道? Karen: Why do you say that?