- 你怎么知道我在你后边?你脑袋后面准是长眼睛了。 How did you know I was behind you? You must have eyes in the back of your head.
- 你怎么知道我在你後边?你脑袋後面准是长眼睛了吧。 How did you know I was behind you? You must have eyes in the back of your head.
- 你怎么知道我在那儿?你一定脑后长眼,无所不知。 How did you know I was there? You must have eyes in the back of you head.
- 你怎么知道我喜欢红玫瑰和戴在手上的花环? How did you know that I love red roses and that I prefer a wrist corsage?
- 你怎么知道这感觉?英格兰今天下了很大的雨,你在四处流浪吗? How do you konw the feeling? Today got heavy rain in England, are you stroll?
- 我最心痛的记忆是你在我面前的流泪,而我在你心里最心痛的呢,我已经不知道了。 The most aching memory of mine is that U shed tears before me, but I havent known where your most heartbreak of me was.
- 你怎么知道我是马克斯? How did you know that I am/ was Max?
- 见鬼,我的帽子到哪儿去了?“就在你背后的椅子上,”她吃惊地说,“你怎么啦?” "Where the hell's my hat?" "It's on the chair behind you," she said amazed. "What's biting you?"
- 你怎么知道恶灵跟我在一起? How do you know evil spirits are with me?
- 好吧,12点怎么样?更何况我会让你知道我在什么地方的。 B: Okay, how about a midnight curfew? And I'll let you know where I am.
- 我就在你眼面前,你怎么不说实话呢。 I am standing in front of you, why don't you tell me the truth?
- 你怎么知道我有个集邮簿? How did you know about my album?
- 我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为在你身边我知道我是谁。 Multicolor i love you not for whom you are, but who i am when i'm by your side.
- 你怎么知道我要升迁了? How did you know I was going to be promoted?
- 我在默默寻找从黑夜到白昼的路,因为我知道我的心要找到你。 I'll find my way through night and day, Because I know I just can't stand here in heaven.
- 你怎么知道这钱是用来赈济饥民的呢? How do you know the money being used to feed those starving people?
- 见鬼,我的帽子到哪儿去了?"就在你背后的椅子上,"她吃惊地说,"你怎么啦?" "Where the hell's my hat?" "It's on the chair behind you, " she said amazed. "What's biting you?"
- 你怎么知道我的邮箱的? How do you know my email address?
- 你知道我的英语很糟糕,尤其是口语,我在课堂上总感到太紧张。 You know, I am poor at English, especially at oral English. I feel too nervours in English class.
- 你怎么知道我喜欢这个? How did you know I love this?