- 你怎么敢那么说呢? How dare you say that?
- 你怎么敢那么说? How dare you say that?
- 你怎么可以那么说呢,珍妮?你对功夫毫不了解,它是中国文化最宝贵的部分之一。 How could you say that,Jane? You know nothing about kungfu. It's one of the most precious parts of Chinese culture.
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 你怎么敢把失败归咎于我呢? How dare you impute the failure to me?
- 你怎么有脸那么说呢? How do you have the brass to say that?
- 你怎么敢!你没有权力自己动手拿。这样就一点也剩不下我明天早上吃的了。 How dare you! You have no right to help yourself. I'll have none leave for the morning.
- 别人爱怎么样就怎么样,不要强求他人,这样总是上策,你说呢? It's always best to take people as you find them, don't you think?
- 你怎么敢叫我胖子! How dare you call me fat !
- 如果你那么说,她会发怒的。 She'll get a turn if you say that.
- 他怎么敢抱怨? How dare he complain?
- 我妻子认为我太胖,你说呢? My wife thinks I'm too fat,what do you say?
- 你怎么敢对我妄加评论? How dare you sit in judgement on me?
- 如果你再那么说,我保证你将遇到麻烦。 If you say that again you'll be in trouble. I promise you.
- 你怎么落到这步田地? Why do you get into such a plight?
- 这准是一本很好的书,你说呢? It must be a very good book,don't you think?
- 你怎么能这样呢? How could you?
- 所有人当中只有你那么说,真让我吃惊! I'm surprised that you of all people should say that.
- 你怎么忍心将这些小猫儿溺死? How can you find it in your heart to drown these little kittens?
- 如果不是事先有所调查,他怎么敢把几千万风险资金投到这个领域呢! How can he dare to put over ten millions in capital in this field if he has not done his research?