- 你怎么发现的? How do you find out about that ?
- 你怎么发现的? How did you find out it?
- 你怎么发现哪个答案是正确的? How do you find out which answer is right?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 你昨晚发现你不是夜猫子。你怎么发现的呢? Right, real owls are like that. But last night I discovered I am not a night owl.
- 你怎么发现他们的阴谋? A: How do you uncover their plot?
- 发现的 discoverable
- 你那沉闷的日子已经过去了,我告诉你怎么给自己打打气。 Your dull 'do days are over. I'll tell you how to pump up the shine.
- 克里斯蒂娜:这么长时间我们怎么发现不了这颗璀璨耀眼的明星呢? Christina: How could we have failed to see it for so long?
- 交通和居住问题的解决需要以工厂的搬迁为代价吗?你怎么看。 Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
- 学生乙: 不知开始是怎么发现的? Student B: How was it discovered?
- 你怎么落到这步田地? Why do you get into such a plight?
- 你怎么竟会认为他可能批准这个要求呢? How could you conceive of his granting the demand?
- 如果你想获取此项发现的更多信息,可以阅读这项发现的完全发布。 For more information on this prime discovery read the full press release.
- 克里斯蒂娜:这么长时间我们怎么发现不了这颗璀璨耀眼的明星呢? Christina: How could we have failed to see it for so long?
- 你怎么能为杀死动物取乐的行为辩护呢? How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure?
- 你怎么忍心将这些小猫儿溺死? How can you find it in your heart to drown these little kittens?
- 你怎么发现这些古书的? How did you alight on(upon)these ancient books?
- 你怎么能对那个受虐待的孩子不闻不问呢? How can you turn aside from a child that is being cruelly treated?
- 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于出租车司机呢? How can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi-driver?