- 你怎么会爱上他呢? How can you fall in love with him?
- 保罗在时尚界可是响当当的人物,你怎么会不知道他呢? Actually Paul is big in the fashion business, how come you don't know him.
- 你怎么会爱上他? How can you fall in love with him?
- 你怎么会知道裁判员说的话呢?他说的我一点儿也不懂。 How in the world can you tell what the umpire says? I can't understand him at all.
- 送礼物给男人是一件很头痛的事,那些什么都没有的男人,你根本不会爱上他,什么都有的男人,你又可以送什么给他呢? Giving presents is smthing that makes someone headache.If he got nothing,will u ever fall in love with him and on the other hand if he has everything,what else can u get for him?
- 你怎么会因为如此可笑的借口而得到原谅呢? How can you be excused for such a silly reason?
- 杰拉尔德是三心二意;不出一星期他就会爱上他在轮船上遇见的某个姑娘。 Gerald was fickle, in a week he would be in love with some girl he met on the steamer.
- 你怎么会那么傻? How can you be so stupid?
- 你怎么能够相信他呢?他是个墙头草,谁硬就跟谁。 How can you trust him? Don't you know that he always sits on the fence and falls on the side of the stronger?
- 你怎么会来得这么早? How can you come here in such good time?
- 然而,作为一个既无姿色又无财产的家庭教师,简爱为什么会爱上他而她又被这样一个傲慢的男主人所爱呢? However, why can Jane love him and be loved by such a haughty man as a governess without beauty and without money.
- 你怎么会认识杰克的? How comes it that you know Jack?
- 如果一个孩子整天都冲着你傻笑,你怎么能教他呢? How can you teach a child who just grins stupidly at you all day?
- 你怎么会这么笨? How can you be so dense?
- 你究竟怎么会想到我认识他呢? How in the world do you expect me to know him?
- 你怎么会认为我是预科学校的? Why do you think I went to prep school?
- 办不到,我的好老爷,办不到,我自己还不认识他呢;你怎么可以这样嘲笑人? Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him myself; how can you be so teasing?
- 你怎么会找到工厂那份工作的? How come you got that job at the factory?
- 你怎么会认识他的? How does it happen that you know him?
- “说真的,爱小姐,”阿伯特小姐说,“你怎么能打他呢?他是你的小主人啊!” “Really, Miss Eyre,”said Miss Abbott, “how could you hit him? He's your young master!