- 你怎么付款? How will you be paying?
- 先生,你怎么付款? How would you be paying, Sir?
- 怎么 (interrogative pronoun)
- 您想怎么付款? How would you like to pay?
- 若要用真钱游戏,我要怎么付款? How do I provide payment in order to play for "real"?
- 你怎么落到这步田地? Why do you get into such a plight?
- 你怎么竟会认为他可能批准这个要求呢? How could you conceive of his granting the demand?
- 你怎么能为杀死动物取乐的行为辩护呢? How can you defend the killing of animals for pleasure?
- 史密斯夫人:亲爱的,我们的儿子打算买房。史密斯先生:他怎么付款呢?史密斯夫人:他将分期付款。史密斯先生:如果他需帮助的话就告诉我。史密斯夫人:我会的,亲爱的。 Mrs.Smith: Dear, our son plans to buy a house. Mr.Smith: How will he pay for it? Mrs.Smith: He will pay by installments. Mr.Smith: Tell me if he needs any help.
- 你怎么忍心将这些小猫儿溺死? How can you find it in your heart to drown these little kittens?
- 你怎么能对那个受虐待的孩子不闻不问呢? How can you turn aside from a child that is being cruelly treated?
- 你怎么能把这次事故的责任归于出租车司机呢? How can you attach the blame for this accident to the taxi-driver?
- 你怎么知道这钱是用来赈济饥民的呢? How do you know the money being used to feed those starving people?
- 你怎么能这样表现呢? How can you take upon yourself to behave so?
- 你怎么忍心杀狗呢! How could you have the heart to kill a dog?
- 既然你自己在说谎,你怎么能期待你的孩子们诚实呢? How can you expect your children to be truthful when you yourself tell lies?
- 你怎么可以看着国家将亡而无动于衷呢? How can you stand by and watch the country go to ruin?
- 你怎么能看着你的儿子打小孩而不管呢? How can you stand by and watch your son beat the younger child?
- 你怎么能看着孩子惨遭折磨而无动于衰? How can you turn away from a child that is being cruelly treated?
- 你怎么能对一个受伤的战士不闻不问呢? How can you turn away from a soldier who was wounded?