- 你干嘛这么不自在? Why are you bein so weird about this?
- 你干嘛这么小家子气? What are you being such a weenie for?
- 你干嘛这么用功学英语呢? What makes you study English so hard?
- 莉娜:听我说,凯文,你干嘛这么担心?你明知道妈妈会帮你收拾你的行李的。你就是那些法国人说的那种无用的家伙! Linnie: Listen, Kevin, what are you so worried about? You know that Mom is going to pack your stuff anyway. You are what the French call Les Incompetent!
- 你要是没那个胆量看这种事情,你干嘛不象我一样,躲得远远地呢? If you have not the nerve to see these things, why do you not do as I do, and stay away?
- 这么 so (much)
- 结果是,你觉得手中没酒就很不自在。 As a result,you feel out of place without a beverage in your hand.
- 你即然这么不满意自己的工作,为什么不设法改变一下呢? Why not do something to get out of the rut if you're so dissatisfied with your job?
- 你干嘛这么急? Why are you in such a hurry?
- 她比你挣的钱多,你是不是觉得不自在? Does it bother you that she earns more than you?
- 你干嘛挂我电话? Why did you hang up on me?
- 我觉得他们欠你一个道歉,你真是不应该受到这么不公正的待遇。 I believe you need an apology. You really don't deserve such treatment.
- 你干嘛对我这样恶狠狠地说话? Why do you snap at me so?
- 如果你能更经常梳梳头,你就不会显得这么不整洁了。 If you combed your hair more often you would not look so untidy .
- 你干嘛那么小声? Why are you whispering?
- 干嘛这么大火!吃火药了,今天! Why so touchy!
- 和像你这么不讲理的人讲理是没用的。 It is useless to reason with such an unreasonable person like you.
- 我知道要叫你信服你干不了又奸又滑的房地产投机商是白费口舌。 I know it's a waste of breath trying to conince you you're not a cunning real estate speculator
- 你干嘛不叫辆计程车? Why don't you call a taxi?
- 你为何(对我皱眉头)对我这么不满意? Why are you frowning at me like that?