- 你干嘛不叫辆计程车? Why don't you call a taxi?
- 你要是没那个胆量看这种事情,你干嘛不象我一样,躲得远远地呢? If you have not the nerve to see these things, why do you not do as I do, and stay away?
- “巴勃罗,你干嘛不杀了那个外国佬?” "Pablo, why did you not kill the foreigner?"
- 请你替我叫辆计程车好吗? Would you call a cab for me?
- 你干嘛不去管你自己的事,偏要来管我的事呢? Why can't you mind your own business, and let me mind mine?
- 你可以打电话叫一辆计程车。 You can telephone for a taxi.
- 派一辆计程车到这儿要多久? How long will it take for the taxi to get here?
- 有一天她说,“他爸,你干嘛不把那顶旧毡帽扔掉,换一顶漂亮的新草帽?” "Papa," she said one day. " Why don't you throw that old wool hat away and get a nice cool straw hat?"
- 一辆计程车等在拐角 A taxi's round the bend
- 他身边带着太多的箱子,不得不叫计程车。 He took so many boxes with him that he had to call a taxi.
- 你干嘛挂我电话? Why did you hang up on me?
- 我给你叫辆出租车好吗? Shall I call you a taxi?
- 乘坐排在前头的那辆计程车。 Take the taxi at the head of the rank,ie the first in the line.
- 你为什么不叫?不然我早就来帮你忙了。 Why didn't you back up? I would have come and helped you.
- 你干嘛在跳蚤市场买那些垃圾? Why did you buy all that junk at the flea market?
- 呼,那辆计程车差点要了我的命! Oh, that taxi almost killed me!
- 我们干嘛不去野餐呢? Why don't we go picnicking today?
- 你这样待我,我若在你眼前蒙恩,求你立时将我杀了,不叫我见自己的苦情。 And if thou deal thus with me, kill me, I pray thee, out of hand, if I have found favour in thy sight; and let me not see my wretchedness.
- 干嘛我们一早就得唱公司歌? Why the heck do we have to sing the company song in the morning?
- 要我给你叫辆出租车吗? Shall I call you a taxi?