- 你常常去网吧吗? Do you often go to cyber bars?
- 你决定不去网吧了吗? Have you decided not to go to cyber cafes?
- 吗 morphine
- 我们夏天常常去山上。 We usually go to the mountains in summer.
- 我们常常去看电影。 We go to the cinema now and then.
- 你常常外出吃饭吗? Do you dine out much?
- 在有些地方,去网吧的人需要进行实名登记。 In some places, Internet cafe visitors are required to register their real names.
- 我们当时能得到的只不过是我们从储藏室偷拿的食品,而你常常去向妈妈告发我们。 All we got was what we pinched out of the larder and then you used to go and tell tales to mother.
- 去过 been
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 去找 go for
- (我也没什么特别的活动,去网吧上夜市了。) J : I had no special arrangements, either. I went to a net-bar for a whole night.
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 在欧洲的那些日子他常常去下等酒吧。 He used to habituate the dirty bars during those days in Europe.
- 如果你常常旷工的话,你会被开除的。 You're likely to get the bounce if you are absent from work too much.
- 这就是我今天晚上不去网吧而来英语角的唯一原因。 This is the sole reason I came to this English corner instead of the net bar.
- 你常常在外面进餐吗? Do you dine out much?
- 他常常去帮她搞卫生。 He often went to help her with her house-cleaning.
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 你常常需要加班吗? Do you often have to work over-time?