- 你带英语书了吗? Have you brought your English book with you?
- 我来上学时忘记带英语书了。 Forgot my English book when I came to school.
- 你带英语书了吗? Have you brought your English book with you?
- 对不起,我今天忘了带英语书了。 Sorry, I forgot to bring my English book here today.
- 你看到加里新买的那辆菲拉里牌汽车了吗?真是太不寻常了。 Have you seen the new Ferrari that Gary has bought? It's quite something.
- 你带卫生纸了吗? Have you got any bog roll(= toilet paper)?
- 你看完那本书了吗?对不起,你说什么? Have you finished reading the book? Beg your pardon?
- 他们现在抓住了你的把柄了,因为他们知道你带那个女孩到你房间里去了。 They have the deadwood on you now,for they know you took that girl into your room.
- 英语老师批改好试卷了吗? Has the English teacher checked the examination papers yet?
- 你带钱了没有? Have you got any money on you?
- 这辆公共汽车将把你带到该城最大的书店。 The bus will land you in the biggest bookstore in this city.
- 每人都拿到书了吗? Has everybody got a book?
- 听说你要回国了,我买了一盒茶叶,你带回去品尝品尝吧。 I hear you will go back to your country. I bought a package of tea leaves for you.
- 她今天早上有英语课,所以带上了英语书。 She has an English class this morning, so she brings her English book.
- 你看见树林那边的教堂了吗?那村庄就在那儿。 Do you see the church beyond those trees? That's the village.
- 你带上什么东西吗? Can I bring anything ?
- 托比可能送给你这几本书了,但是不要高兴的太早。他送东西又往回要,是出了名的。 Toby may have given you these books, but don't start celebrating yet. He's famous for being a Indian giver.
- 这本书会把你带到另一个世界。 The book transports you to another world.
- 你开始调查工厂了吗?我很高兴我们没有先试图设立自己的工厂。 Have you begun to investigate factories? I'm so glad we aren't going to try to run our own factory at first.
- 你带着钱呢吗? Have you got any money on you?