- 你带了相册给我? Malfoy: You brought me a photo album?
- “奶奶,我给你带了些吃的来。让我端过来给你吃。” Granny, I brought you some food. Let me get it for you.
- 为了表示我对提早走掉的歉意,我给你带了一件小礼物。 To apologize for leaving so early,I brought you a little gift.
- 我给你带回来一件小礼物,虽然物微,但我希望你会喜欢。 I brought you back a small present. It's a mere nothing but I hope you like it.
- 我给你带的那个小金戒指你还给我吧,我老姨和我要了,我要还给她。 I bring to you that I do Xiao Jin ring you back to, I Laoyi and I want to, I want to return to her.
- 她给我带了小甜饼。 She brings me cookies.
- 你带了多少本币和外币? How much local and foreign currencies do you have?
- 很抱歉给你带来这么多麻烦! I am sorry I cause you so much trouble.
- 旅客: 我带了架摄像机,大概这是唯一需要申报的东西了。 Passer:I've brought a video camera with me. Maybe that's the only thing I should declare.
- 今天我带了一本书给我的朋友们。 Today I bring a book to my friends.
- 谈判到了什么阶段,我不太清楚。你能给我提供些消息吗? I do not know precisely what stage negotiations have reached. Could you put me in the picture?
- 请确认你带了钥匙! Confirm the key with you please!
- 哦,你带给我无休无止的麻烦! Hertz: Oh, you have caused me no end of trouble!
- 你弄完了吗?;给我写好了的稿子;稿子写完了;差不多完成了他的研究工作。 are you finished?; gave me the finished manuscript; the manuscript is finished; almost finished with his studies.
- 幸亏你带了伞,开始下雨了。 It's a good job you brought your brolly,it's starting to rain.
- 我带了它有年头了,它带给我好运。 Myra:.I 've had it for years, it brings me luck.
- 你必须在海关申报你带了照相机。 You must declare your camera at the Customs.
- 请把你所有的工具借给我,这样我就可在家里检修我的汽水车了。 Please may I borrow your bag of tricks so that I can service my car at home.
- 你带纪念品给我,真是太周到了。 It's very thoughtful of you to bring me back a souvenir.
- 这家餐馆不便宜,所以幸好你带了不少钱。 This restaurant is not cheap,so it's a good job you've brought plenty of money.