- 你希望一个月薪水多少? How much do you hope to get a month?
- 你在这里希望一个月拿多少钱? How much do you hope to get a month here?
- 你希望薪水多少? I: What salary do you expect?
- 你希望一个学期教几个班级? How many classes would like to teach in the whole semester?
- 哦,等于差不多6个月薪水。 Oh,it is equivalent to about six month's salary.
- 正当你希望一个球员好好地认真踢球时,他们却见鬼地尝试作一次别出心裁的传球,过度地尝试去制造一件足球艺术品而不是一个入球。 Just when you want a player to put some leather on the ball they try one fancy damn pass too many in an attempt to create a football work of art instead of a goal.
- 如果你们不是很熟的话,问别人薪水多少是很不礼貌的。 It's bad manners to ask other's salary if you are not very familiar.
- 薪水多少呢? How much is the salary?
- 200美元能维持我一个月的生活。 %24200 will see me right for one month.
- 我希望一个雄心勃勃的人能够帮助你获得一份工作。 I hope a go-getter bud will help you sang a job.
- 我可以问薪水多少吗? May I ask about the pay?
- 发货日期:收到信用证后一个月发货。 Shipment: one month after receipt of letter of credit.
- 你希望人如何对待你,就如何去待人。 Do unto others as you would others should do to you.
- 你希望我跟你们一起去吗? Would you like me to come along with you?
- 他被囚禁了一个月。 He had been kept in captivity for a month.
- 她的希望一个一个地毁灭,她的心都发冷了。 One by one her hopes had fallen away, and left her desolate.
- 请告诉我你希望怎样支款。 Please tell me how you wish to draw your money.
- 费迪南德希望一个足球学院能够使乌干达的年轻一代的生活发生改变。 Rio Ferdinand is hoping a soccer academy will help to make a difference to the young population of Uganda.
- 你希望我一生致力于研究吗? Do you expect me to give my whole life up to studying?
- 你一个月挣多少钱? How much do you earn in a month?