- 你就是老师,不是吗? You are the teacher, aren't you?
- 找个座位,然后你就吃个痛快。你想要点儿牛奶,不是吗? Find a seat,then you can dive in. Yon want milk,don't you?
- 并不是因为你都得甲等,你就是学校中的风云人物。 You're not the wholeshow just because you got all A's.
- 坚持已见不是论据,反驳对方的说法也不能证明你就是正确的。 Assertion is not argument, to contradict the statement of an opponent is not proof that you are innocent.
- 不管她其他方面如何,如果一个女人不是个好妈妈,她就是个失败的人,不是吗? No matter else she dose, if a woman isn't a good mother she is a failure, right?
- 你就是说出大天来,也休想改变我的主意。 You can talk till the cows come home: you'll never make me change my mind.
- 老师:为什么你说罗马是在晚上建的?学生:罗马不是一天建成的,不是吗? Teacher: Why did you say Rome was made at night? Pupil: Rome is not made in a day, isn't it?
- 那么在这桩婚姻中,你就是有经验的一方。 So in this marriage,you will be the one with experience.
- 有时候你就是不能随波逐流,跟着大家走。 Sometimes you just can't go with the flow and jump on the wagon.
- 条件就是你要当他的人证, 然后来换取免费的整形手术,是吗? You were his alibi in exchange for free plastic surgery, right?
- 长在植物上面的花就是它们的生殖器官,那岂不是妙得很吗? Isn't it odd that flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants they grow on?
- 不是你学不好就是你老师教得不好。 You must not be a good learner, otherwise you must have a bad teacher.
- 你就是米歇尔,对吗?"他打断了我的思绪,说道:"你想看看房间吗? You are Michelle, aren't you? "he said, coaxing me out of my trance." Would you like to see the room?
- 如果你不是那么笨,你就可以从新合同中赚一些钱。 If you had half an eye you could be able to make some money from the new contract.
- 长在植物上面的花就是它们的生殖器官,那岂不是妙得很吗? Isn't it odd that flowers are the reproductive organs of the plants they grow on?
- “你要求加薪,否则你就不干了,是吗?”他边说边在椅子里摇来摇去。 "I understand you want a raise or you're going to quit," rich dad said as he swiveled in his office chair.
- 有时你就是不能盲从,“跳上乐队彩车”。你必须知道“彩车”是到那里去。 Sometimes you just can't go with the flow and jump on the bandwagon. You have to know what the wagon is.
- 过去不是讲五个字吗,肿、散、骄、奢、惰,第一个字就是肿。 Some time ago,I summed up the problems in the army as bloating,laxity,conceit,extravagance and inertia.
- 哎呀,玛丽,你就是有点嫉妒罢了,没关系的。知道吗,你爱他就要爱他的过去、爱他的全部。 Come on, Mary. You're just being a little jealous, but that's just fine. You know, when you love him, you've got to love his past, his everything.
- "他为人诚实。如果你认为他不是的话,那你就判断错了。" "He's honest, and you misjudge him if you think he isn't."