- 你就只要这些吗? Is this all ya want?
- 你就需要这些吗? Is that all you need ?
- 就只要洗一洗,然后梳理一下。 Just shampoo it and tidy it up a bit,please.
- 就要这些吗? Will that be all?
- 只要你按时交房租,你就能住这儿。 You can stay as long as you pay the rent on time.
- 地球上重1公斤的东西,在月球上只有166克重了,你知道这些吗? Something that weights one kilogram on the earth would weigh only 166 grams on the moon. Did you know that?
- 最好是顺其自然,这样,你就不会失望了。 It's best to take the world as you find it, then you won't be disappointed.
- 就这些吗? Is that all?
- "你如果把计算机损坏了,你就会丧失索回货款的权利。" "If you do any damage to the computer even by any chance, you'll forfeit your right to get the fund."
- 当您使用某个变量并尝试获取其地址时,只要这些操作有一项是在匿名方法内部执行的,就会生成此错误。 This error is generated when you use a variable, and attempt to take its address, and one of these actions is done inside an anonymous method.
- 不是你就是我是清白的。 Either you or I am innocent.
- 就这些吗,小姐? Will that be all, Miss?
- 这事要是太麻烦,你就别管了。 Don't bother if it's too much trouble.
- 就这些吗,先生? Is that it ,sir?
- 时机一到你就会得到酬报。 You will have your reward in the fullness of time.
- 不是你就是李师傅把仪表修好的。 Either you or Master Li has repaired the meter.
- 就这些吗?/就这样吗? Is it that all?
- (只要你)永远象这样有勇气,你就会成功。 Always have courage like that and you will make your mark.
- 就这些吗?就这些手续啦?完了吗? Is that it?
- 只要你答应归还,你就可以把这书借走。 You may borrow this book as long as you promise to give it back.