- 你将在英国待多久? 5 How long will you stay in UK?
- 请呆会儿把你的种痘证书给那边柜台的人看。你将在美国待多久? Please show your vaccination certificate at the counter over there later. How long will you stay in the US?
- 他还在英国待了一年,因此英语很流利。 He also spent a year in England and became fluent in English.
- 你将在每月的22日收到你从第1日到第15日赚取的全部收益。 Any revenue earned the 1st thru the 15th of the month you will receive on the 22nd.
- 你将在纽约待多久? How long will you stay in New York?
- 你将在美国停留多久? How long are you going to stay in the United States?
- 这个乐队在英国巡回演出期间将在二十个不同的地点演出。 The band will be playing at twenty different venues on their UK tour.
- 入境查验官:那你会在旧金山待多久? I: And how long will you be in San Francisco?
- 你将在哪儿履行诺言? Where are you going to deliver the goods?
- 入境官员:我可以看看您的护照吗?您会在美国待多久呢? I.O.: May I see your passport, please? How long will you be staying in the United States?
- Erna的许多同学将在英国海岸等到她。 Most of erna's school friends will be waiting for her on the English coast.
- 你将在旧金山做什么? And what will you do in San Francisco?
- 你在孤儿院待多久? How long did you stay in the orphanage?
- 你将在花展上当评审吗? Will you judge at the Flower Show?
- 下一页是你将使用的工作表,在活动结束后,你要给你所观察的小组出一份报告。 The next page is a worksheet that you may use during your observation. After the exercise is complete, you will be asked to give a report.
- 你爱待多久,就待多久。 You can stay as long as you like.
- 未来,欧洲将在英国事务中发挥重要作用。 Europe would begin to play a more significant part in British affairs in the future.
- 你将在旧金山机场转机。 You'll be transferring at San Francisco airport.
- 为此,我将在英国使馆的国旗旁升起欧盟的旗帜。 To mark this I am raising the EU flag alongside the Union Jack in the British Embassy.
- 数数留在蒲公英杆上的种子,那就是你将拥有的孩子的数量。 Count the seeds that remain on the stem. That is the number of children you will have.