- 你对核能有什么看法? What's your opinion about nuclear energy?
- 许多美国影片的卖点就是这些明星。你对这类美国电影有什么看法? Many American movies center around these movie stars. Do you have any thoughts about these kinds of American movies?
- 你对中国国家足球队的水准有什么看法? What do you think about the standard of play of Chnese National Football Team?
- 乔纳森想买下那幢楼,你对此有什么看法? Jonathan wanted to buy that building, what do you think to that?
- 如果我们以核能取代所有化石能源,铀将在4年内耗尽。 If nuclear power superseded fossil power, we would run out of uranium in 4 years.
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "乔治在哪儿?" "我想他是回家自我安慰去了。你对他太严厉了一点儿。" "Where is George?" "Gone off home to lick his wounds, I expect. You were pretty severe with him."
- 一个没有求知欲的人,将来能有什么成就! How can a person with no thirst for knowledge make any real achievement?
- "如果你对我的女朋友胡来,我会揍扁了你!" 他威胁说。 "If you mess my girl about, I'll smash your face in!"
- 你对加班有什么看法? How do you feel about overtime work?
- 你对那老人可不能开有关宗教的玩笑。 You mustn't joke with the old man about religion.
- 诽谤者-问问题-有效吗?我们能付的起吗?生产者能有什么利益? Detractors - are asking questions - is it effective? Can we afford it? Do producers receive any benefit?
- 你对计划生育有什么看法? How do you think about the family planning?
- 你对忍饥挨饿的人 所受的苦难怎么能 漠不关心? How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of people who are starving?
- 对于这个政治主张你有什么看法? What is your stand about this political position?
- 也许你有理,但你对苏珊说的话太伤害她了。 You may be in the right,but what you said to Susan was very hurtful!
- 我想我能出席,有什么特别的议程吗?需不需要我准备材料? I think I can attend. Do you have any particular agenda and do I have to prepare any material?
- 我们很想听听你对这个课题的看法。 We would be interested to hear your views on this subject.
- 你对公司文化,比如你来到EA,你觉得你能适应马? GS: Are you nervous at all about company culture as you transition over to EA?