- 你对我的还价感觉怎样? How are you feeling about my counteroffer?
- 这种只谈你的儿时的话题对我来说是一堆废话。我的童年时代可没有给我留下美好的回忆。 All this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. I have no happy memories of my childhood.
- "如果你对我的女朋友胡来,我会揍扁了你!" 他威胁说。 "If you mess my girl about, I'll smash your face in!"
- 我难以说出我为了你对我的帮助而如何的感激你。 I can't easily express to you how grateful I am for your help.
- 是吗?你对我的画感觉如何? Did you? How do you feel about my paintings?
- 尊敬的读者-人们习惯于略过序言不读,但我请求你对我这本书破例一次。 Gentle Reader, -It is customary to omit prefaces. I beg you to make an exception in my particular case.
- 你的鼓励使我对我的未来更加有信心。 Your encouragement made me more confident of my future.
- `我星期五以前干不完这项工作--你对我期望过高了。' I can't finish this job by Friday you expect too much of me.'
- 你对我所做的一切,总有一天要遭报应的。 There will be a day of reckoning for what you have done to me!
- 总有一天我会报复你的,你对我家干了那么多坏事,我会惩罚你的。 I'll turn the tables on you one day and punish you for all the wrongs you've done to my family.
- 你对我的种种感人情意,使我记忆犹新。 I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave.
- 你对我向来不错,现在我也不打算对你不好。 You have always been kind to me,and I do not now mean to be unkind to you.
- 你用了两个星期的时间对我的人品乱加评论,难道还不够吗? Isn't a fortnight long enough for you to dissect my personality?
- 你正好找到了你对我报仇的最好方法。 You'll hit on exactly the most efficient method of revenging yourself on me.
- 我想知道的是你对我是否失去了信心。 What I want to know is whether or not you have lost faith in me.
- 我的留言本有话要对我说吗?留下你的脚印或者你的感觉。一起分享一种叫做友谊的喜悦。 My Guest Book Do you want to say something to me? Please feel free to post any comments and questions.
- 你对我父亲的追念,使我感到极大的宽慰。 Your memories of my father were source of great joy to me.
- 你对我母亲要有耐心,她现在变得相当聋了。 You'll have to be patient with my mother she's going rather deaf.
- 如果你对我无礼,我就以同样的无礼予以回敬。 If you are rude to me, I shall retaliate with equal rudeness.
- 于是耶和华伸手按我的口,对我说,我已将当说的话传给你。 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.