- 你对我们公司有何看法? What did you think of our company?
- 请告诉我你对我们公司有何了解。 Please tell me what you know about our company.
- 你对我们服装行业有何看法? You are the views of the garment industry?
- 如果我们雇用你,对我们公司有什么益处? What could you do for our company if I hire you?
- 你对政府最近决定加入世界贸易组织有何看法? What is your reaction to the recent government's decision to join the World Trade Organization?
- "我们公司有一批备用汽车,因此,如果需要,我随时都有汽车可用。" "Our firm has a car pool, so if I need a car there's always one there."
- 王先生,你对人们在公共场所抽烟有何看法? "What 's your opinion of people smoking in public place, Mr. Wang? "
- 一位电影明星对我们公司提起诉讼。 A film star filed a lawsuit against our firm.
- 你对当前的经济形势有何看法? What are your views on the present economic situation?
- 你对我们的新产品有什么看法? Have you got any comments on our new product?
- 如果你对这份工作有兴趣,我们不妨一边喝茶,一边谈正事儿。 If you're interested in the job, I don't say we couldn't talk turkey over a pot.
- 能不能告诉我为什么对我们公司感兴趣呢? Can you tell me why you are interested in our company?
- 你对网络经济有何看法? What do you think about the prospect of cyber economy?
- 我们公司有一个很好的联谊俱乐部。 Our firm has a good social club.
- 感谢你对我们的邀请。 It was kind of you to extend an invitation to us.
- 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价? How do you react to this modern artist's paintings?
- 我们公司有一个很好的交谊俱乐部。 Our firm has a good social club.
- 你对克隆技术有何看法? What do you think of the cloning technology?
- 你对我们的生产车间感觉如何? How do you feel about our working room?
- 得到这份合同对我们公司的将来是至关重要的。 Getting this contract is crucial to the future of our company.