- 你对将来有何打算? What are your plans for the future?
- 你的专业与你的工作对口吗?如果不对口,你是如何看待你的工作的?你对自己未来的发展有何打算? Does your job accord with your major? If not, how do you regard it? What's your plan for your future development?
- 你24岁,她遇到你的未婚夫,问你们将来有何打算. When you were 24, she met your fiance and asked about your plants for your future.
- 你对将来有何规划? What is your plan about your future career life?
- 在中小学期间,有无某人某事影响了你对将来人生方向的选择? Was there anybody or anything that have an effect on your choosing of your future life?
- 我是英国BBC记者。请问,中国队对这次比赛有何打算?计划拿走多少金牌? I am a BBC correspondent. My question is: what are the China Team's plans and how many golds do you plan to get from the Tournament?
- 你对将来有什么打算? Do you have any plan for your future?
- 新的一年你有何打算? What are your plans for the new year?
- 据我了解,你对我们准备采取的具体步聚有不同意见。 I understand that you don't agree with us as to the practical course we are to take.
- 我不知道你将做何打算? I don't know what you are driving at?
- 尽管这项冒险的事业目前遇到了周折,但人们对将来是有信心的。 Though the venture is at present making heavy weather,the future is regarded with confidence.
- 告诉我你有何打算。 Tell me what you are driving at?
- 现在刺激一下公众,对将来缩氨酸7号的销售可能还会有好处呢。 Titillating the public now could help sales of Peptide 7 later on.
- 今年的国庆节你有何打算? What is your plan for the National Day holiday this year?
- 如果你对这份工作有兴趣,我们不妨一边喝茶,一边谈正事儿。 If you're interested in the job, I don't say we couldn't talk turkey over a pot.
- 对于将来有何预示? What may they portend for the future?
- 你对改变你的工作时间有什么异议吗? Have you any objection to changing your working hours?
- 式样多加变化对将来的业务有好处。 It will be to the advantage of future business to have more variety in pattern.
- 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价? How do you react to this modern artist's paintings?
- 研究未来。对将来会发生的事情知道得越少越好,以便于你能提前作好准备。 Study the future. Learn as much as you can about likely coming events, so that you can anticipate them well in advance.