- 你对将来有什么打算? Do you have any plan for your future?
- 告诉我你对我们结婚周年纪念有什么打算? May I know your plan for our wedding anniversary?
- 我问他将来有什么打算,他回答说,什么打算也没有。 To my question regarding his future intentions ,he answered that he had none .
- 在中小学期间,有无某人某事影响了你对将来人生方向的选择? Was there anybody or anything that have an effect on your choosing of your future life?
- 你对将来有何打算? What are your plans for the future?
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."
- 你对将来有何规划? What is your plan about your future career life?
- 这个暑假你有什么打算? Do you have any plan for this summer vacation?
- 据我了解,你对我们准备采取的具体步聚有不同意见。 I understand that you don't agree with us as to the practical course we are to take.
- 这个夏天你有什么打算? Do you have any plans for the summer?
- 你明晚有什么打算? are you doing anything tomorrow evening?
- 在硕士期间,有无某人某事影响了你对将来人生方向的选择? Was there anybody or anything that have an effect on your choosing of your future life during your undergraduate period?
- 暑假里你有什么打算? Lily: What are your plans for the summer holidays?
- 你高中毕业后有什么打算? What do you plan to do when you graduate from high school?
- 在工作期间,有无某人某事影响了你对将来人生方向的选择? Was there anybody or anything that have an effect on your choosing of your future life during your working period?
- 这个周末你有什么打算? Do you have any plans for this weekend?
- 你对我有什么建议么? Do you have any suggestions for me?
- 这个暑假你有什么打算。 Do you have any plan for this summer vacation?
- 之前你有说过你对女人满挑剔的,你都挑什么呢? You've said before that you're picky with women. What are you so picky about?
- 今晚是平安夜,你有什么打算? Flora: It will be christmas eve tonight, any plans for it?