- 你对她的爱不再疯狂? Don't you love her madly?
- 要表示你对她的爱,没有比一颗钻石给她更好的了。 Nothing can better express your love for her than giving her a diamond.
- 如果你考虑过她所受的良好训练,你对她的成功就不会惊讶了 Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training.
- 你们俩简直就是天生的一对儿。你要告诉她你对她的感受啊! You are so meant together, you must let her know what you feel for her.
- “她越是轻蔑地拒绝我对她的爱,这爱便越是增长” (莎士比亚)。 "The more she spurns my love,/The more it grows" (Shakespeare).
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "乔治在哪儿?" "我想他是回家自我安慰去了。你对他太严厉了一点儿。" "Where is George?" "Gone off home to lick his wounds, I expect. You were pretty severe with him."
- 1939年战争爆发时,她的父母在国外,他们直到战争结束时才能返家。 Her parents were abroad when the balloon went up in1939 and they could not return home until the war was over.
- 摄影师对她的照片作了修整。 The photographer retouched her picture.
- 谁也不知道她对这孩子的爱有多深。 Nobody knew the depth of her love for the child.
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- "如果你对我的女朋友胡来,我会揍扁了你!" 他威胁说。 "If you mess my girl about, I'll smash your face in!"
- 我对她的敬重又增加了一等。 My regard for her went up another notch.
- 在这个世界上,她的女儿是她最爱的人。 Her daughter is all in all to her in the world.
- 这本书可以使你对古希腊人的生活有一些认识[有深入的了解]。 This book gives you some idea/a good idea of life in ancient Greece.
- 我对她的粗鲁感到惊讶。 I wonder at her rudeness.
- 她一生中对她影响最大的是她父亲。 The dominant influence in her life was her father.
- 他骗取了她的爱。 He inveigled himself into her affections(= dishonestly made her love him).
- 世上如有诤友,那就是像你对我那样关怀的朋友。祝你生日快乐! The kindest friend there could ever be is the kind of friend you are to me.