- 你家有电话吗? Is there a telephone in your house?
- 你家有日历钟吗? Is there a calendar clock in your family?
- 不论你是不是同意他们的政策,大多数房地产代理商不会帮你,如果你家有没有大形。 Whether you are agreeing with their policy or not, most real estate agents will not help you if you have a home that is not in great shape.
- 房间里有电话吗? Do all your rooms have telephone extensions?
- 你家有一个网球拍,或高尔夫球杆,或者两者兼有。 Your family owns a tennis racket, golf clubs, or both.
- 这儿附近有电话吗? Is there a telephone near here?
- 你家有几口人? How big is your family?
- 班纳特夫人:有电话吗? MRS. BENNETT: Was there any telephone service?
- 你家有几口子? How many people are there in your family?
- 我洗澡时请你留心听着有没有电话来. Please listen out for the phone while I'm in the bath.
- 从这儿到你家有多远? How far is it to your house from here?
- 顺便问一下,你有电话吗? By the way, have you got a telephone?
- 这个城市有两家有歌舞表演的夜总会。 The city has two nightclubs with cabaret.
- 你能告诉我离这儿最近的地方哪儿有电话? Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is?
- 你家有几间房子? How many rooms are there in your house?
- 是的。你能请麦考依先生来听电话吗?他应该在大厅附近。 Yes. Would you get me Mr.McCoy on the phone? He is supposed to be around the lobby.
- 杰森,你家有几口人人啊? Jason, how many people in your family?
- 恐怕不太好。你可以打到我家。我的履历表上有电话号码。 No, I'm afraid not. You can call me at my house. The telephone number is written on my resume.
- 你知道我并不想来,我琢磨着你家的人也未必急于见我。” You know I didn't want to come, an' I guess your fam'ly ain't hankerin' to see me neither."
- 能留下您的电话吗?有结果我们将通知您。 Could you leave your telephone number? We'll inform you once we get the information.