- 你学过几门外语? Which foreign language have you stud?
- 我想建议你学一门外语,比如说英语。 I'd like to advise you to learn a foreign language,say English.
- 过 (surname)
- 当你学过那课程后你该懂得一些东西了。 You should know something when you get through the course.
- 你会说几门外语? How many languages can you speak?Two. English and French.
- 你能说出一些你学过的与会计相关的课程吗? Can you name some of the courses you completed in relation to accounting?
- 他掌握了几门外语。 He mastered several foreign languages.
- 你学过什么专业课程? What specialized courses did you take?
- 她年轻漂亮,而且还懂几门外语。 She's young and pretty, and what's more, she knows several foreign languages.
- 你学过什么? What study have you done ?
- 去年你答应过几个月之后来上海看我的。 Last year you promised that you would come to see me in Shanghai in a few months.
- 你听几门课? How many courses did you attend?
- 你学过中文吗? Have you learned any Chinese?
- 当你把英语作为一门外语学习时,怎么去强调口语的重要性也不过分。 You can't overemphasize the importance of spoken language when you study English as a foreign language.
- 我妹妹学过高等数学。 My younger sister studied advanced math.
- 这工作将需要你学会怎样用计算机。 This job would entail your learning how to use a computer.
- 一个五岁时就学会了几门外语的天才 a prodigy who had learned several foreign languages By the age of five.
- 这课课文没学过。 This is an unlearned lesson.
- 你这学期上几门课? How many courses do you have for this semester?
- 你学过芭蕾舞吗? Have you ever taken ballet lessons?