- 你学过中文吗? Have you learned any Chinese?
- 你会打中文吗?应试人:·当然会。我既会用拼音也会用五笔打中文。·很抱歉,我不会,但我学过英文打字。 Can you type Chinese? C: Yes, of course. I can type Chinese by both Pinyin and Wubi. No, I'm sorry, but I've learned English typing.
- 具有与青年学生工作的经验,学过中文课程,有从事教授外语的经验,是一名资深乐师。 Abram has many years experience with young students, and taken coursework in Chinese. He has experience in teaching foreign language to students, and is an experienced musician.
- 吗 morphine
- 你能说出一些你学过的与会计相关的课程吗? Can you name some of the courses you completed in relation to accounting?
- 你好!你想学习中文吗?你希望结交一位中国朋友吗?找我吧。我也非常希望能和你学些英语。让我们做朋友吧。 Hello! I am from China.I want to know a foreign friend here.Would you want to study Chinese? I can teach you and I hope learn your mother tongue too.
- 当你学过那课程后你该懂得一些东西了。 You should know something when you get through the course.
- 假使你学过打字,就容易找工作了。 If you have learned typing you would easily find a job.
- 你学钢琴如果不一心扑在钢琴上,是学不出什么名堂的。 It's no good learning the piano if you don't have your heart in it.
- 我妹妹学过高等数学。 My younger sister studied advanced math.
- 你做过卡巴莱表演吗? Have you done any cabaret?
- 你学英语是出于消遣还是为了工作? Are you learning English for pleasure or for your work?
- 你打听过开往纽约的列车班次的时间吗? Did you enquire about the times of the trains to New York?
- 约翰来中国之前已学过中文。 John had studied Chinese before he came to China.
- 学着理财,即使你学的是考古或小提琴. Get your financial house in order. Even if you major in archaeology or violin.
- 这里你打扫过了吗? Have you swept in here?
- 他学过犯罪行为剖析学。 He studied the anatomy of crimes.
- 你学的汉语在这次中国之行中可以大派用场了。 On your trip to China you will be able to make good use of your knowledge of Chinese.
- 你最近见过她吗? Have you seen her lately?
- 从来没人教我,所以我从来没学过。 No one ever taught me,so I never learned.