- 你如何解释这一句? How do you interpret this sentence?
- 你如何解释这一错误呢? How do you account for the mistake?
- 你如何解释这一句? How do you interpret this sentence?
- 你如何解释你不请假而长期缺课的行为? How do you account for your long absence from classes without asking for leave?
- 针对这一问题,杜鲁门总统要求国会向希腊和土耳其提供4亿美元的资金。 President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 你如何解释成功? Q: How would you describe success?
- 无闲暇何来自由--说这一句话就够了。 Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty.
- 1949年之后,在政府的帮助下,农民开始着手改变这一局面。 After1949, with the help of the government, the peasants set out to change this picture.
- 你如何解释他的举动呢? How would you translate his conduct?
- 无论你从这一端还是从另一端开始做,结果都是一样的。 It amounts to the same thing, whether you begin from this end or from the other.
- 你如何解释你的无礼行为? How do you justify your rude behaviors?
- 把最后那句划掉,换上这一句。 Cross out that last sentence and put this in instead.
- 你如何解释你不请假而长期缺课的行为 How do you account for your long absence from classes without asking for leave?
- 你帮我,我帮你——这是举世皆知的一句谚语。 Ka me, ka thee- it is a proverb all over the world.
- 她最怕的这一句,他竟说出来。 These were the very words she feared most and he had finally uttered them.
- 你如何解释这个事故? How do you account for the accident?
- 这一句也可以改为 Sounds like you want to get something out of me.
- 当前还未有可能去解释这一矛盾的例证。 Currently it is not possible to reconcile this conflicting evidence.
- 他这一句话引得大家笑起来。 His remark set everybody laughing.
- 这是我最后一次跟你解释这件事了。 I'll explain this to you for the last time.