- 你大学的成绩如何? How about your academic records at college?
- 你大学时的成绩如何? How were your scores in university?
- 你在大学的成绩如何? How were your grades in college?
- 你大学时学习成绩如何?A:事实上我每门课都非常优秀,我的总平均成绩按10分制是9分,是班里最高的。 I: How about your academic records at college? A: In fact my records were excellent. My overall GPA was 9 on a 10 scale, which was the highest in my class.
- 大学的 rah-rah
- 你是什么时候选定你大学的专业的? When did you choose your college major?
- 谈到学业,你这学期的成绩如何? Speaking of school, how are your grades this term?
- 你大学是在哪儿上的? Where did you go to school?
- "这个研究项目进行了不过三个月,所以要对它的成绩作出评价为时尚早。" "The research project has only been under way for three months, so it's too early to evaluate its success."
- 一些人相信,高等教育的扩大招生已经降低了大学的标准。 Some believe that the extension for higher education has leveled down university standards.
- 你大学是学什么专业的? What major did you take in university?
- 虽然已有相对成功的把握,但《自由自在》的成绩如何仍不敢预料。 While relative success was certain,little did it know just how well No Strings would do.
- 祝你大学期间一切顺利。 I wish you all the best in your college years.
- 名牌大学的 ivy
- 你入学考试成绩如何? What is the result of your entrance examination?
- 我们祝贺你大学毕业。 Let us congratulate you on your graduation from the university.
- 这些优异的成绩给我们全体工作人员带来了莫大的光荣。 These excellent results reflect great credit on all our staff.
- 你大学最艰难的是哪一年? Which of your college years was the toughest?
- 你在学校成绩如何? Were your academic record at school?
- 关于学院住宿的住在大学校内的或对大学的建筑有管理权力的 Dwelling within or having authority within the walls or buildings of a college.