- 你多久去看一次电影? How often do you go to movies?
- 你多久去看一次你的祖父母? How often do you see your grandparents?
- 我们过去大约一个星期去看一次电影。 We used to go to movies about once a week.
- 你多久去那里一次? How often do you go there?
- 你多久去游泳一次 How often do you go swimming
- 我们过去大约一个星期去看一次电影 We used to go to movies about once a week
- 你多久去游一次泳? How often do you go swimming?
- 你多久看一次电影?一周一次。 How often do you see a film? Once a week.
- "晚安,小姐," 他又说了一次。 "我看你有烦恼的事!我真心希望事情会好转。" "Good night, miss, " he said again. "I see you've got a trouble: and I'm sure I hope it'll turn out for the best."
- "是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。" "Please, teacher, I went to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours."
- "城里人正在开展一次节约运动,省下一些钱去帮助山区孩子们接受教育。" People in the town are having an economy drive in order to save money for the education of the mountain poor children.
- "你去不去看电影?" "随便好啦。" "Would you like to go to the cinema?" "I'm not bothered."
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 多长时间看一次电影? How often do Mary and Julia go to the moives?
- 尼尔:你多久来一次健身房锻炼身体? Niall: How often do you come to the gym for a workout?
- 今天晚上去看一场棒球赛怎么样? How would you feel about going to a baseball game tonight?
- 她们经常去看电影。 They often go to the pictures.
- 请再告诉我一次: 你是在约克郡出生的吧? Just refresh my memory: were you born in York?
- 你多久做一次爱? How often do you have sex?
- 我下星期去看你。 I shall call on you next week.