- 你在那儿过得怎样? How did you go on there?
- 你的那些东西可以帮助你在那儿过活,并可做你回家的盘费。 Those things will help to buy your [color=Red][b]subsistence [/b][/color]there, and your passage home again.
- 他们在那儿过得很快活。 They had a lovely time there.
- "你的假期过得怎样?" -- "嗯,也有玩得不错的时候。" "How was your holiday?" - "Well, it had its moments."
- 你在那里过得怎样? How did you fare there?
- 我希望我们在那儿过得愉快。 I wish we had a good time there.
- 想嚷出我能望到你的魂魄是我,是我在号啕大哭你在那儿吗? Star Sail Hello it's me, it's me Calling out I can see you Hello it's me crying out crying out Are you there?
- 你在伦敦过得怎样? How did you fare in London?
- 那说明你在那儿。 That means you are there.
- 滚动条内的滚动块指示出你在文件中的垂直和水平位置。 The scroll boxes inside the scroll bar indicate your vertical and horizontal location in the document.
- "他在新的工作岗位上干得怎样?" "How is he making out with his new job?"
- 这家公司在苏格兰新建了一家工厂,扩大了在那儿的经营。 The company has expanded its operations in Scotland by building a new factory there.
- 喂,你在那儿还好吗? Hello, there. How are you?
- 他在牧场日子过得很痛快。 He enjoyed life on the ranch.
- "爱因斯坦的书你读得怎样了?" "刚开始读懂。" "How're you coming along on Einstein?" "It's just starting to clear up a bit."
- 你看见树林那边的教堂了吗?那村庄就在那儿。 Do you see the church beyond those trees? That's the village.
- 我们假期过得很愉快。 We had a lovely holiday.
- 一旦知道怎样安排时间,你在考试的较量中就赢了一大半。 Once you know how you plan to manage your time,you've won a large part of the battle against your exams.
- 别在那儿东翻西找的,告诉我你要什麽。 Stop grubbing about there and tell me what you are looking for.
- 你在XX行业工作过么? Have you ever worked in XXX?