- 你在英国有亲戚吗? Do you have any relatives in the United Kingdom of England?
- 你在那里有亲戚吗?” Have you relatives?"
- 据国家统计局的年度研究更多的人在英国有两个以上无车车而非全部。 According to National Statistics'annual research, more people in Britain have more than two cars rather than no car at all.
- 你在上海有亲戚吗? Have you got any relatives in Shanghai?
- Fleur公司在英国有二十年的历史,专门提供最纯正的精华油给专业香熏治疗师。 Fleur Aromatherapy from England has been supplying pure essential oils of the highest quality to professional aromatherapists worldwide for 20 years.
- 你在新西兰有亲戚吗? Does your family have got any close relatives in New Zealand?
- 在英国有开放大学,性质与中国广播电视大学一样。 There is the Open University in Britain which is something like Radio and TV University in China.
- 你在北京有亲戚吗? Do you have any relatives in Beijing?
- 如果你在英国外,你直接向内政部工作许可部门(英国)申请。 If you are outside the United Kingdom you apply directly to Work Permits (UK), part of the Home Office.
- 你在纽约有亲戚吗? Do you have family in New York?
- 你在英国打算干任何事,都不能肯定会有好天气的。 Your can't depend on the weather being fine for anything you plan in England.
- 你和我们村的徐大爷是亲戚吗? Are you related to Uncle Xu of our village?
- 如果你在会上把心里的话都说出来,你会觉得舒畅得多。 You'll feel a lot better if you shoot your wad at the meeting.
- 在英国,每10个涉及交通事故的机动车驾驶者,就有一个大麻检测阳性。 In Britain as many as 1 in 10 motorists involved in serious accidents test positive for cannabis.
- "今晚你在家里吃饭吗?" 她母亲问道。 "Are you eating in tonight?" asked her mother.
- 但你在英国工作能挣更多的钱。 O: But you can get more money if work in U.K.
- 哪会有这样的好事啊,你在开玩笑吧。 It's too good to be true! You must be kidding!
- 在英国法中,被告在证明他有罪前是被假定无罪的。 In English law,the accused is presumed to be innocent until he is proved to be guilty.
- 你在什麽地方见到我的钥匙了吗? Have you seen my keys floating about (anywhere)?
- 妮内特·德瓦卢瓦夫人在英国创建了芭蕾舞团,而当时的英国人从未接触过芭蕾舞。 Dame Ninette established ballet in a Britain that had no ballet tradition.