- 你在英国做什么工作? A What work do you do in U.K.?
- 从你的申请材料中看出你有多年秘书经历,你在以前的公司做什么工作? I see in your application that you've several years' experience in secretarial work.What kind of work were you doing at your previous employer's company?
- 嗯。我们在找一家英国公司来帮我们在英国做市场和推广。 Em, we're looking for a British company to help us with marketing and promotion in Britain.
- 你在伦敦做什么工作? What do you do back in London?
- 过去在英国做过对撒谎者的研究,研究表明,人们在虚张声势或撒谎时会更频繁地挠口鼻。 Past studies of liars in the UK have also found that people scratch their nose and mouth more often if they are bluffing or telling lies.
- 去英国做什么? What will you do in UK?
- 如果你在英国外,你直接向内政部工作许可部门(英国)申请。 If you are outside the United Kingdom you apply directly to Work Permits (UK), part of the Home Office.
- 你做什么工作? What's your job?
- 从轻兵器上见过,说是他们先被德军收编,二战结束后在英国做雇佣军。 I've seen them in light weapon. It is said that they're collected by German army, and as mercenary army in Britain after WW2.
- 你在找什么工作? What kind of job are you looking for?
- 这份工作要经常在英国驱车奔忙,你在英国开过车吗? This job involves a lot of driving in England. Have you driven in England?
- 自我上次和你见面以后,你在做什么? What have you been doing since I last saw you?
- 辛楣吃晚饭回来,酒气醺醺,问鸿渐道:“你在英国,到过牛津剑桥没有? Hsin-mei returned from dinner reeking of alcohol and asked Hung-chien, "Did you ever go to Oxford or Cambridge when you were in England?
- 你做什么工作? What do you do?
- 你在以前的部门负责什么工作 What work were you responsible for at your previous work unit
- 你的非欧盟籍的家庭成员们可以独自提交永久居留申请,如果他们和你在英国一起生活了5年。 Your non-EEA national family members may apply independently for confirmation of permanent residence if they have lived with you in the United Kingdom for 5 years.
- 你长大后想做什么工作? What kind of work do you want to do when you grow up?
- 他做什么工作谋生? What does he do for a living?
- 他们需要提供这段时期你在英国行使“欧盟条约权利”(即工作,自雇,学习,或者“经济自足”)的证据。 They will need to provide evidence that their EEA family member has been exercising Treaty rights in the United Kingdom during this period.
- 你在禁区里做什么? What are you doing in the restricted area?