- 你在看电视吗? Are you watching TV now?
- 昨天上午你在看电视吗? Were you watching TV yesterday morning?
- 你一直在看电视吗?是的,一直在看。 Have you been watching television? --Yes, I have.
- 拜尔斯:你在看莫特被拐走前的西北太平洋的飞碟活动。 BYERS: You're looking at UFO activity in the Pacific Northwest just prior to Mulder's abduction.
- 你在看什么? What are you looking at?
- 当我进入一间茶室时,发现两个年轻的人正在看电视上的摔跤比赛。 As I enter a tearoom, I find two young men watching a wrestling match on television.
- 想看电视吗? wanna watch television?
- 亨利:记得那些伟大的电视画面吗?当人类登上月球时,你在做什么? HENRY: Remember those great television pictures? What were you doing when men landed on the moon?
- 现在你在看哪个新闻? What channel are you watching now?
- 孩子:我可以看电视吗? Forrest Jr.: Can I watch TV now?
- 你在看哪一版? Which section are you looking at?
- 约翰常常在晚上看电视吗? Does John often watch television in the evening?
- 宝贝,你在看什么? Honey, what's that you are reading about?
- 他正在看电视。 He is watching TV.
- 你在看黑板了吗? Are you looking at the blackboard.
- 你常看电视吗? Do you often watch television?
- 你在看什么报纸? Whats that paper you are reading?
- 我那无所事事的儿子整个周末都在看电视。 My lay-about son watches the idiot box all weekend.
- 你在看哪个节目? Which program are you watching?
- 你晚上总看电视吗? Do you always watch TV in the evening?