- 你在看什么呢? What are you looking at ?
- 王渊源:韩佳,你在看什么呢? Han Jia, what are you looking at?
- 宝贝,你在看什么? Honey, what's that you are reading about?
- 你这么专心地在看什么呢? What are you looking at so intently?
- 你的简历上说,你现在在童乐玩具开发公司工作,那你在那儿的主要职责是什么呢? Your resume says that you are now with Tongle Toy development Company. What's your chief responsibility there?
- 你在看什么? What are you looking at?
- 拜尔斯:你在看莫特被拐走前的西北太平洋的飞碟活动。 BYERS: You're looking at UFO activity in the Pacific Northwest just prior to Mulder's abduction.
- 你在看电视吗? Are you watching TV now?
- 奶奶,你在找什么呢? Grandma, what are you looking for?
- 你在看黑板了吗? Are you looking at the blackboard.
- 你在忙什么呢? What are you about?
- 现在你在看哪个新闻? What channel are you watching now?
- “我们在这儿干什么呢?”“你算问对了(我也不知道)。” 'What are we doing here?' 'You may well ask(= I don't really know either).'
- 她在看什么书? What is the book about that she is reading?
- 你在抱怨什么呢? What are you moaning on about now?
- 你在看哪一版? Which section are you looking at?
- 她在看什么书? What is the book about that she is reading?
- Logan在戏里开的是一部保时捷,那么你的梦想之车是什么呢? Alexis: Logan drives a Porsche on the show. What would be you dream car?
- 你在这儿干什么呢? What are you doing here?
- 你在看哪个节目? Which program are you watching?