- 你在排队吗? Are you in line?
- 对不起。你在排队吗? A:Excuse me,. Are you in line?
- 您在排队吗? Are you in line?
- 你在这里工作吗?我们大家都以为你会在上海定居下来呢。 Do you work here? We all thought you would dig yourself in in Shanghai.
- 老师在排队买午餐的人旁边看杰克插队,就把他狠狠地批评了一顿。 The teacher beside the lunch line saw Jack cut in, and she criticized him bitterly.
- 你喜欢排队吗? Do you like waiting in line?
- 你在这儿学习吗? Are you studying here?
- 小姐,参观国会我必须在这里排队吗? Must I line here to visit the Capitol, madam?
- 你在什麽地方见到我的钥匙了吗? Have you seen my keys floating about (anywhere)?
- 在线买邮票。确实有人喜欢在邮电局排队吗? Buy your postage electronically. Does anyone really enjoy standing in line at the post office?
- 你在指责我欺骗吗? Are you accusing me of cheating?
- 你在看电视吗? Are you watching TV now?
- 你在哪儿寻找这种“素材”?我们说的是细胞或亚细胞机制吗? Where are you looking for the "stuff" Are we talldng cellular or sub-cellular mechanisms?
- 你不知道吗?他们在排队买新彩票! You don't know? They're lining up to buy tickets for the new lottery!
- 还记得你在学前班或幼儿园时,每天中午睡午觉的情形吗? Remember when you were in preschool or kindergarten, how you took a nap in the middle of the day?
- 职员们好像对更加节约用纸的要求未加理睬,请你在今天的会上再强调一下好吗? Staff seem to have disregarded the request for more economy in the use of paper. Will you please press the point at today's meeting?
- 如果你在打印一个文档,却发现没有连接打印机,这是个错误吗? Is it an error if you print a document, only to find that no printers are connected?
- 许多工作都有压力。 你不是说过你在压力下茁壮成长吗? A lot of jobs are stressful, and did not you once tell me you thrived on pressure ?
- 约翰和埃里克很快就成为朋友了,你在新的环境中交朋友了吗? John and Eric soon became friends; have you made friends yet in your new environment?
- 你在想什么事吗?你看起来很专注啊。也许我可以帮帮你。 Did you have something on your mind? You look so concerned! May be I can help you.