- 你在念什么大学?你应该知道哪首歌出自哪部音乐片 What college are you attending? You should know what musical that song is from.
- 别告诉我昨天夜里你梦见了什么,因为我一直在念弗洛伊德嘛。 Do not tell me, what you dreamed last night for I have been read Freud.
- 你上什么大学? What university do you attend?
- 你念什么? LAURA: What are you studying?
- 她念什么? What does she study?
- 你在念赫伯情书里的东西啊? Quoting from one of Herb's love letters?
- 其次,新西兰什么大学比较好,大学要读几年? Three year. As to which uni is better, you should tell us what you want to study first.
- 如果你有这些证书,他们可能会认为你有很好的学习能力并且你在大学中没有浪费生命。 They may think that you have a very good leverage and you did not waste your life through the college life.
- “他们可不念什么咒语呀,”哈克说,“我亲眼所见,他们不念咒语。” "But they don't say anything over it," said Huck. "I've seen 'em and they don't."
- 没能上大学焉知非福, 我想你在大学里是不会觉得快乐的. Not getting into university may be a blessing in disguise; I don't think you'd have been happy there.
- 没能上大学焉知非福,我想你在大学里是不会觉得快乐的. Not getting into university may be a blessing in disguise;I don't think you'd have been happy there.
- 有时候,我在祈祷时连自己也不知道在念些什么,可是她的名字却跳到了嘴边。 Her name sprang to my lips at moments in strange prayers and praises which I myself did not understand.
- 那时你还在念大学? LH: While you were in university?
- 你在这里的引文对说明你的主要观点似乎没有什么作用。 It seems that the quotations you have here do not help your major point.
- 他在念研究生时是我喜爱的学生,现在是南京大学出色的教师。 During his graduate years he was one of my favorite students,and now he is a popular lecturer at Nanjin University.
- 你在北京外国语大学上学时,学过英文编辑方面的知识吗? When you studied at Beijing Foreign Studies University,did you learn anything about English editing?Yes. Our department offered a course in English editing. I learned a lot from that course.
- 你在大学期间获得过什么荣誉或奖励吗? Did you get any honors and awards at college?
- "弗兰克,弗兰克,你在哪里?"她用念台词的声音轻轻地说。 Is that your stage name, too?
- 他一口咬定事故发生的时候,他没有和你在一起,对此,你有什么可说的? He alleges that he was not with you at the time the accident occurred. What do you say to that?
- 你在大学里学的什么专业? What is your major at collage?