- 你在学哪一课? What lesson are you studying?
- 你正在学哪一段历史? Which period of history are you studying?
- 嗯,我想我知道你在说哪一件,但是那件上衣现在没货了。 Hmm. I think I know what you mean, but we are out of that blouse now.
- 整个句子是虚拟语气,我们这一课都在学虚拟语气,子句用were的时候,母句要用。 If you were studying, you would have called me to be your study buddy.
- 问题就是需要培训,转到哪一行就学哪一行。 All they need is to have some training and to learn something about the trade in which they will be employed.
- 你在学著维持这个寂止感时,试著在任何场合之下保持它。 When you learn how to maintain your sense of stillness, try to keep it going in all situations.
- 在这一课里,老师教了我们在一个句子中的什么地方应该停顿一下。 The teacher taught us in this lesson where to pause in a sentence .
- 你在学什么? What are you studying?
- 你在口头和书写上,哪一方面更好呢? How would you compare your verbal skills to your writing skills?
- 你认为学哪种英语有什么关系吗? Do you think it matters what kind of English you learn?
- 昨天的演讲是关于统计学在科学上的重要性,前天的是可兰经中的一课书。 Yesterday's address was about the importance of statistics in science,and the day before was a lesson from the Koran.
- 你在学习哪一方面的数学? What phase of mathematics are you studying now?
- 你在哪一排? What row are you in?
- 当你在放松时候,你启动属于你的大脑最富有创造性、可视中心后脑部一部分。 When you relax in the moment, you are priming the most creative part of your brain, the visualization center in the posterior part of the brain.
- 这一课比我们昨天学的那一课更难。 This lesson is more difficult than the one we learnt yesterday .
- 你打算明天9到10点做什么?我每天这段时间都在学英语。 What are you going to do from 9 to 10 tomorrow? -I am learning English at this time every day.
- 哪一门课你得分最高? In what subject did you get the highest marks?
- 对孩子们在学前和一年级阶段的最初和结束时的情况进行了观察。 Observations have been made of the children at the beginning and the end of the preschool and the first grade.
- 肖先生,你是位很有经验的非母语英语课教师,请问你在中国待了多久了?。 Mr.Shaw,as an experienced ESL teacher,how long have you been in China?
- 你是否已安排安好,坐哪一趟车回家? Have you arranged by which train you are going home?