- 你在哪儿买的那条裙子? Where did you get(= buy)that skirt?
- 你在哪儿买的这本词典,是在附近的书店还是在新华书店? Where did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore?
- 你那条裙子是从哪儿买的? Where did you get (ie buy) that skirt?
- 在哪儿买的啊,我在私房上听人家说好,结果找遍英国这边超市也没看见,你在哪里找到的啊? I use grape seed oil as well. You can buy it in Tesco.
- 这就是她一年前穿的那条裙子。 This is the same skirt that she was wearing a year ago.
- 你在哪儿买的这本词典,是在附近的书店还是在新华书店? Where did you buy the dictionary, in the book store nearby or in Xinhua bookstore?
- 你觉得你会买下上周看的那条裙子吗? Do you think you'll buy that dress you saw last week?
- 妙极了!你在哪儿买的? Cool! where do you get it?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么? What do you like doing in your spare time?
- 他说的那番话一点儿道理也没有。 There is not an iota of truth in his remarks.
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- “这飞机上的女厕所在哪儿?” where the ladies' lavatory is in this airplane?
- "来和她谈谈吧," 玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤出一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。 "Come and talk to her, " said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
- "很抱歉在这个时候给你打电话。" "I am sorry to call you this time of the day."
- "本特森是一个不折不扣的德州佬,在这里住了一辈子,服务参议院,代表德州人凡十七年。" "Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the Senate, representing Texans for17 years."
- 给我那条裙子。 Give me that skirt.
- 他们卖男装吗?你在哪儿买的。 They sell men's clothes where you got that?
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.