- 你在公司的职位是什么? What is your position in the company?
- 到现在为止,个人发展怎样?你在公司能呆多长时间?最大的成果是什么? How do you feel about your progress to date? How long will you stay with the company? What are greatest accomplishments?
- 难道不该考虑一下你在公司的地位,看是否值得你呆下去? Isn't it time to take stock of your position in the company and see whether it's worth staying with them?
- 你的职位是什么?职责又是什么?能否陈述一下你的工作职责? What's position you held? What's the duty? Could you state your responsibilities?
- 在电话中要求与公司财务通话。回答前台的问题:拼写你的名字,你在公司中的职位。 Ask to speak to the company accountant on the telephone. Answer the receptionist's questions: spell your name and say which post you hold in your company.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 他刚开始工作时职位是最低的,经过努力晋升到最高职位。 He started life at the bottom and worked his way to the top.
- 詹姆斯在公司的杂志上写了一篇很有批评性的文章后,在办公室受到了攻击。 James came under fire in the office after he wrote a very critical article in the company magazine.
- "那个市议员一直在对这个公司施加很大的压力,要他们接受这批劣质原料。" That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
- 你当时板着个脸,我压根儿就不知道你在说的是什么。 With that dead pan of yours,I just had no idea of what you were talking about.
- 森林工业,同时也是他所在公司的长期客户。 Forest industries who was also a long standing client of his firm.
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。" "When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- 在能够申请一个更好的职位之前,他必须首先在公司里当两年的初级职员。 Before being able to apply for a better position, he is to be a junior member in the company for two years.
- 您被看作全球知识管理领域的意见领袖和最有影响力的实践者,那么,你在这个领域最感兴趣的是什么? You are regarded among the world's most influential practitioners and thought leaders on knowledge management. What first interested you in this area?
- 公司可以发行的股票金额和种类应该列举在公司的章程中。 The amounts and kinds of stock that a corporation may issue are enumerated in the company's charter.
- 信息技术支持人员把大部分的时间都花在解决问题和保持业务运行上面,而你在信息技术部的职位越高,要解决的问题就越大。 IT is largely about solving problems and keeping the business running, and the higher up you are in the IT department the bigger the problems you have to solve.
- 如果你在这里工作很长的时间。你肯定会对工作感到厌烦。 You'll be browned off with the job if you work for a long time.
- 累托兹太太,你这个老泼妇,你为你的钱叫苦连天,这究竟是什么意思! Mrs Letouzel,you cantankerous old bag,what do you mean,by complaining about your money.
- 在特殊时期名字被注册在公司记名册上享有股份的股东。 the stockholder whose name is registered on the books of the corporation as owning the shares at a particular time.
- 你在公司期间必须时刻佩戴公司标识。 You must wear your badge at all times in our corporate office.