- 你在业余时间干什么? How do you spend your spare time?
- 大多数时候在城里的游泳池,有时候同朋友一起到海边游,真开心!嗯,你在业余时间做什么? Mostly in the city's swimming pool. But on occasion, I go to the beach with friends. Well, what do you do at leisure?
- 你业余时间干什么是你自己的事。 What you do in your spare time is your own business.
- 你在业余时间都干些什么? What do you do in your spare time?
- “你在战争中干什么?”她尽力用她荒疏了的俄语凑成一个句子。 "What are you doing in the war?" she asked, straining her rusty Russian to compose the sentence.
- 给高中生做家教能帮助你在业余时间赚钱。 Teaching high school students can help you make a little of money on the side.
- 他因利用上班时间干私活被罚没全年奖金。 He lost a whole year's bonuses for moonlighting during office hours.
- 你在看什么? What are you looking at?
- 要参加这些学会,他必须在业余时间学习,以便通过这些学会的考试。 To join these institutions he will have to pass their examinations by studying in his spare time.
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 额定工作还没完成呢,谁还有时间干“私活儿”啊! I haven't even finished my designated work. How can I spare time for the extra work?
- 那人为了养家不得不在业余时间做些另活。 The man has to do some part-time jobs in his spare time so as to support his family.
- 自我上次和你见面以后,你在做什么? What have you been doing since I last saw you?
- 明天你打算干什么? What do you plan to do this Friday?
- 约翰在业余时间里学习法律,准备当律师。 John read for the Bar in his spare time.
- 你在那里的时候靠什么为生? How did you earn your daily bread when you were there?
- 你毕业后想干什么? What do you want to do after graduation?
- 一旦知道怎样安排时间,你在考试的较量中就赢了一大半。 Once you know how you plan to manage your time,you've won a large part of the battle against your exams.
- 杰克在业余时间里学习法律。 Jack reads for the bar in his spare time.
- 你在做什么? What are you doing?