- 你喜欢那首歌吗? Do you like the song?
- 你喜欢那首歌吗? Do you like the song?
- 你喜欢这首歌吗? Do you enjoy this piece?
- 你喜欢那个男孩吗? Do you fancy that boy?
- 那 which
- 为什么字母表是那个顺序的?就因为那首歌吗? Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
- 你喜欢听饶舌歌吗? Do you like to listen to rap?
- 你喜欢那一种薪水层次? Hypothetically speaking, I might be able to do your current Q: What range of pay-scale are you interested in?
- 记得这首歌吗? Remember this song?
- 这些是我们出售的香皂,你喜欢那个牌子的? These are the kinds of perfumed soap we have. Which brand do you prefer?
- 你愿意为我们唱一首歌吗? Would you oblige us with a song?
- 你喜欢那种生活方式,陆地上的还是海上的? Which life do you prefer, life on land or life afloat?
- 我忘了那首歌的歌词。 I cannot remember the words of the song.
- 你喜欢那个电视剧吗? How did you enjoy the TV play?
- 你想感受到由冰冷沉思、激越燃烧与深度叩问所唱出的一曲火鸟之歌吗? Do you desire to sense the song of firebird from ice-cold meditation, vehement flaming and profound inquiry?
- 那首歌很合韵。 The song rhymes well.
- 你喜欢摩托车赛吗? Do you like speedway?
- 你不喜欢那座亭子吗? Do not you love that pavilion?
- 那首歌是去年风行一时的歌曲。 That song was a hit last year.
- 你想感受到由冰冷沉思、激越燃烧与深度叩问所唱出的一曲心灵之歌吗? Do you desire to sense the song of spritual from ice-cold meditation, vehement flaming and profound inquiry?