- 你喜欢他的图画吗? How do you like his picture?
- “你喜欢他的小说吗?”“不十分喜欢。” 'Do you like his novels?' 'Not especially.'
- 你喜欢他的图画吗? How do you like his picture?
- ’“你喜欢他的新女友吗?”“一个字,不。” 'Do you like his new girlfriend?' 'To put it in a nutshell, no.
- 你能想象出一幅古埃及宫廷生活的图画吗? Can you conjure up a picture of the imperial life in ancient Egypt?
- 告诉他其多毛的胸部有阳刚之气或你喜欢他的微笑。 Tell him that his hairy chest is manly or that you love his smile.
- 任何人能提供另外的快乐比赛冒险事件的图画吗? Can anyone provide pictures of other GAY GAMES SPORTING EVENTS?
- 杰西:你喜欢他的什么? Jessie: What did you like about him?
- 我能看看你的图画吗? Can I take a look at your pictures?
- 我喜欢他,他与剧烈的压力对抗但他的平衡感很好,非常好。 I like him. He played against intense pressure but he had good poise, very good poise.
- 你喜欢他的诗么?” How do you like his poetry?"
- 你可以不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他那种坚韧不拔的精神。 You may not like him, but you have got to admire his persistence.
- 你喜欢他的电影吗? Does his film appeal to you?
- 他的谦虚和慷慨使得人们未经接触就喜欢他。 His modesty and generosity predispose people to like him.
- 你喜欢那个电视剧吗? How did you enjoy the TV play?
- 我知道你不喜欢他,但你至少要照顾一下面子去参加他公司的开典仪式。 I know you didn't like him, but at least have the decency to go to his opening ceremony of the company.
- 你喜欢摩托车赛吗? Do you like speedway?
- 我不喜欢他的为人,但我钦佩他的艺术。 I dislike him personally, but I admire his art.
- 你喜欢马戏团的杂耍吗? Do you enjoy the side show of the circus?
- 他获晋升,喜欢他的许多人都感到高兴. His preferment pleased his many admirers.