- 你听说过米开朗基罗吗? Did you ever hear of Michael Angelo?
- 你听说过狗拿耗子吗? Have you ever heard about dogs going ratting?
- 你听说过惠特尼·休斯顿的名字吗? Have you heard of the name of Whitney Houston?
- 吗 morphine
- 你听说过夜间飘过的幽灵骑士的故事吗? Have you heard the story of the phantom riders passing by in the night?
- 我还没到过那儿。苏格兰对我总是很奇特的,你听说过欧石南和泥炭吧。 I've never been there... It always sounds so quaint, you know the heather and the peat.
- 你听说过这个好笑话吗? Have you heard this good one?
- 你听说过狗熊掰苞米的故事吧? Have you heard of the story in which a bear breaks off corncobs?
- 你听说最新消息了吗? Have you heard about the latest news?
- 你以前听没听说过你家里人有谁得过慢性病? Have you ever heard of any chronic diseases whin your family?
- 你听说了吗? Have you hear?
- 但是听说过"电脑鸡芯"吗? But the computer chicken?
- 你听说今早公路上发生的事故了吗,有十八个人受伤了。 Did you hear about this morning's road accident, 18 people were injured.
- 你有没有听说过那个傻瓜——他妄想用用个浴盆渡大西洋? Did you hear about that fool who's got a mad-cap idea about rowing across the Atlantic in a bathtub?
- 哪位听说过这个超级市场吗? Has anybody heard of the supermarket please?
- 你听说了吗? Have you heard?
- 我敢保证你没听说过最新的消息。 You haven't heard the last of this, believe you me!
- 你听说了吗?! Have you heard the news? Mary has got a job!
- 听说过一个叫做王华的学生吗? Have you heard of the student called Wang Hua?
- 你听说他得到提升了吗? Did you hear that he had got a promotion?