- 你听说过狗拿耗子吗? Have you ever heard about dogs going ratting?
- 狗拿耗子,多管闲事 A dog catching a mouse/poking one's nose into other people's Business
- 你听说过一句话:“本科多如狗,硕士满街走”吗? Did you hear that "Bachelor is as much as dogs, Master is all of the street".
- 你听说过惠特尼·休斯顿的名字吗? Have you heard of the name of Whitney Houston?
- 不要狗拿耗子多管闲事 Do not want the dog to take mice officiously
- 你听说过夜间飘过的幽灵骑士的故事吗? Have you heard the story of the phantom riders passing by in the night?
- 我从没见过狗的耳朵长成这样的,太小了! I've never seen a dog with such ears, they're minute!
- 你听说过一个名叫拉裴尔的画家吗? Did you ever hear of a painter named Raphael?
- 迄今为止,我从未听说过有人因生活费过昂而不要生存下去的。 So far I haven't heard of anybody who wants stop living on account of the cost.
- 你听说他最近偷情的事了吗? Have you heard about his latest amour?
- 安格斯:那好,你听说了什么,雷克斯? Angus: So, what have you been hearing, Rex?
- 比这个更奇特的景象我都听说过! I've heard tell of strange sights than that!
- 你听说安辞职了吗? Have you heard that Ann quit her job?
- 法官说这是他平生所听说过的最可恶的罪行。 The judge said it was the most abominable crime he had ever heard of.
- 你给狗打过虫吗? Have you wormed the dog ?
- 你听说了吗?帕特要走了! Have you heard the news? Pat's leaving!
- 从没听说过。 That rs a new one on me.
- 你听说今早公路上发生的事故了吗,有十八个人受伤了。 Did you hear about this morning's road accident, 18 people were injured.
- 这麽胡说八道我还从来没听说过。 I've never heard such a load of garbage!
- 我听说过这件事。 I have heard of the affair.