- 你听不懂吗? Do not you understand ?
- (难道)你听不懂吗? Do not you under stand?
- 哎呀,我的傻太太,你真的听不懂吗? My dense lady, can't you follow.
- 如果你听不懂不要紧,只要去感觉就可以了。 Now, you may not understand all the words in his poem.
- 不要为他的话生气,难道你听不出他是说着玩的吗? Don't be offended by what be said,can't you tell when he has his tongue in his cheek?
- 出去。我说的话你听不懂? Go out.Do you understand what I say?
- 你听懂吗? Are you there yet?
- 这个年轻的学生听不懂文人们引经据典的谈话。 The young schoolboy can not understand the allusive conversation of intellectual men.
- 难道你听不到一个新的黎明正在呼唤么? Don't you hear it calling? A new day dawning?
- 我的女儿在受苦,难道你不懂吗?给他注射! My daughter is in pain. Can't you understand that? Give my daughter the shot!
- 你听有声音吗--我听不见. Have a listen and see if you can hear anything I can't.
- 那个工厂的声音很大,使你听不到别人说话。 The sounds in that factory are so loud that you can't hear another person speak.
- (你要住一学期,是要怎样付钱?钱很重要不懂吗?) You are registered for 1 trimester ( September to December) to School.How to pay -vous your accommodation.?
- 昨天的一位有名的学者的演讲,对于高中学生简直听不懂。 The lecture given by a well-known scholar yesterday was above the heads of the high-school students.
- 你听有声音吗--我听不见。 Have a listen and see if you can hear anything I can't.
- 他对听不懂他讲课的学生很不耐心。 He was very impatient with students who could not follow him.
- 难道你听不出,我就是奥斯汀,我还依然爱你 Can't you tell, this is Austin, and I still love you
- 你说的话我听不懂。 What you said is not clear to me.
- 如果你听不到任何声音,因为某种原因,esd没有工作。 If you don't hear anything, esd isn't working for some reason.
- 他叽里呱啦地说了半天,但我一点也听不懂。 He quacked for a long time, but I could not understand at all.